Friday, October 17, 2008

this might be our album cover...

it's hoped that our 13 songs album will be completed soon. and this is the cover design we're thinking of using.
the songs are; hentikan, pantat kau, demokrasi tanpa I.S.A, anti nazi-simpati, petrol,
pergi jahanam kau, nyanyi budaya pembebasan, perangi semua, dunia, merdekakah kita?,
internationale, punk dah mampus, eh satu lagi lagu ape ek
thanks to the artist, Min (killer drummer of Naratu, Always Last, Skunkfix) for the superb job. tell us what you think about it.


.abell.habil. said...

nizang,cover ni siapa do!ahaha.


nizang said...

hehehhe..kan ade tulis tu...min (drummer kental naratu/skunkfix/always last) yg lukis...pastu aku dah edit skit dlm compiter. malas la nak color. itam putih baru 80's hc/punk. haahha! ok tak? ade ala-ala black flag?? waahah

.abell.habil. said...

kau biar aja hitam putih.betul.betul.baru HCpunk.;DD

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to check it out peoples! =)